Friday, November 23, 2007


This is where I tell you about some cool stuff. I'll start out with a couple of imports. 1st is Spaced. It's a show that ran in England from 99-01, if I'm not mistaken, and it's the same guys who later did Shaun...& Hot Fuzz. It's a great show. Scrubs totally ripped off it's use of weird little cutaways & dream sequences. It also features just about everyone who was in Shaun & Fuzz. It's very funny & a great stoner show. It is a bit hard to come by here, but Visart Video has the entire 1st season on VHS. Next is Little Britain. It's a sketch comedy show, much like Monty Python by way of Kids..Hall. It is narrated by Tom Baker, and Anthony Head from Buffy plays the prime minister. It's a lot of fun. Very bawdy and a bit gross at times(vomit & fat suits) it will make you laugh...I promise.

As far as movies go. The Darjeeling Ltd. was really good. Very talky, but also very funny and sincere. I loved it. Fido was very funny. A farce set in the 1950s where zombies are kept as pets/servants. Billy Connelly plays Fido. And finally I just recently saw Mean Streets again. It had been several years, but it still holds up nicely. If you've never seen it you really should. And just released on dvd all tarted up w/bonus features is Spider Baby by Jack Hill. It's one of Sid Haig's 1st and one of Lon Chaney Jr.'s last. It's creepy and weird and awesome. I won't even go into a description.


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