Wednesday, November 21, 2007


A whole lot of remakes have been made lately, and there is a big kafuffle amongst cinephiles. Most people seem to be of the opinion that they all suck and they demean the original. I see their point, but they aren't all bad. The Hills Have Have Eyes was actually pretty good. The second one sucked. Dawn Of The Dead was pretty darned solid, and fuck anybody who says Peter Jackson's King Kong wasn't fucking amazing. That may have seemed a bit harsh but I think it's an amazing film and if you haven't seen it you really should.

Also let's not forget that many remakes did indeed surpass their predecessors. Some examples would be James Whales' Showboat, Invasion Of The Body Snatchers and John Carpenter's The Thing

So, in summary, yeah for every one King Kong we get three The Stepford Wives, but that's life...Deal with it. If it looks like it's gonna suck, chances are it will, so don't go see it and don't rent it when it comes out on dvd, and maybe there will be more good remakes....but probably not

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